General Medicine

What is General Medicine?

General Medicine deals with the primary treatment of minor diseases. It usually do not involve surgeries and in case the situation deteriorates, a specialist is recommended.

What spectrum of health problems are addressed?

General Medicine is the medical branch that deals with the diagnosis, treatment (non-surgical) and prevention of minor diseases (especially in adults). 

Which are the most common symptoms?

The symptoms depend on the kind of disease and can be referred to a general physician as per the condition. 

Who is more predisposed to such conditions?

Gender –

Depending on the disease, both male and female can be at risk. 

Age –

General Medicine is recommended to adults. In the case of children, child care specialists are recommended. 

Inherited traits –

Some of the diseases like diabetes can be inherited from blood relatives. 

Lifestyle –

Lifestyle plays a major in determining the cause of the diseases.  

Additional complications due to COVID-19

Lack of medical attention and unavailability of proper medication leads to stress and deterioration of the situation that increases the complications due to COVID-19. 

General Medicine is the medical branch that deals with the diagnosis, treatment (non-surgical) and prevention of minor diseases (especially in adults). 


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