5 Tips for Nurses Who Work with Geriatric Patients

Geriatrics refers to a field of medicine that focuses on senior citizens and their problems. As the Indian population ages, there will be a massive need for nursing care at home for elderly. Taking care of the elderly is not easy as they have a weak immune system and poor or deteriorating bodily functions.

Without a doubt, taking care of geriatric patients requires a lot of patience and knowledge. One is responsible for seeing to it that the senior’s sunset years are dignified and comfortable. With that in mind let’s look at some tips for nurses who work with older patients.


5 Tips that Make Working with the Geriatric Patient Easier

  • Tip #1: Be Patient

The first tip is a simple one. Be patient. Geriatric patients tend to be very set in their ways. Moreover, they may have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they are unable to care for themselves anymore. This may lead to conflict and friction with the nurse who is only trying to do his or her job. Therefore, patience is the key to reduce this conflict.

nursing care at home for elderly

  • Tip #2: Learn to Respect Them

These are seniors who have lived full lives and achieved some distinction in life. Now, in their twilight years, they have probably been abandoned or neglected by their children and are going through the pain of growing old alone. Hence, rude nurses are a great turn-off. Learn to respect the elders and treat them with dignity and care.

  • Tip #3: Speak Clearly, Don’t Shout

When you speak to elders with cognitive challenges, make sure you speak clearly, without shouting. You need to learn how to overcome these obstacles. Maintain good body language and eye contact. The elder should be able to understand your facial clues as well.

nursing care at home for elderly

  • Tip #4: Build a Bond

Seniors as well as children respond better when there is a strong bond with the caregiver. Hence, try to establish a rapport with the geriatric so that there is more than a professional relationship.

  • Tip #5: Be Positive and Listen to Them

Always maintain a positive outlook and help the senior citizen to maintain one as well. In case, they have a serious life-threatening illness, be there for them and listen to them if they share anything with you.

Wrapping Up

Choose nursing care at home for elderly if you or some elderly person requires it. Doctor2Care will provide you with the best professional nurses who will take care of your needs. Reach out to Doctor2Care today for the best in professional healthcare services.